Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A perspective on pro-life abortion photos

I recently stumbled upon a photo posted on a pro-life facebook page which said, "if abortion is so morally correct, why do photos of it make "pro-choicer's" so angry?"

Well, here's what I think of it. Photos don't make me angry at all. It is bothersome that many pro-life individuals resort to intimidation, scare tactics and misleading information in order to try to sway someone's view of the topic, instead of using logic. Using propaganda to pass off the very limited number of late term abortions as representative of all abortions is one thing I commonly see. The vast majority of abortions occur in first trimester at a time when the embryo/fetus is tiny and has very little brain development. Sadly, we do not live in a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every unwanted pregnancy is the result of irresponsible sex (or even consent, for that matter), and certainly not where every woman has access to all the resources required so that motherhood is not an immense burden. Making abortion illegal doesn't stop it from happening, and we have plenty of research from countries that have done so (and our own country’s past) that show that the rates remain relatively stable regardless of legality. There is no country where abortion is illegal and its rates are low. The plain fact of the matter is this: everybody has seen the pictures. We have all driven by a rally, or a billboard, or clicked on a pro-life website. It’s not that people are ignorant of the realities of abortion; it’s that they hold no efficacy. If showing people pictures of aborted fetuses worked, we wouldn't have any more abortions in our global society. But we do. Instead of posting pictures, take steps that actually help

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